Week of September 23
This week, we talked about analyzing data and I found it very interesting. In the past, I have analyzed pieces of data but never in so much depth and with the need for critical thinking. The analysis has always just been “answer this question” and just by skimming the text, the answer could be found. This class pushes for more critical thinking than any class I have taken in the past. I think this is a good skill to be learning and pushing because it helps prepare you for when you are in the real world and need to think outside of the box.
To go with the critical thinking we have also been learning about how perspectives come into play. Everyone has a different perspective on things. This perspective can cause misunderstanding on things. Also, in a historical document, like the letter Columbus wrote that we read, perspective is important. Other than just perspective there’s the reasoning behind writing it. These two things can cause a big area of just missing information and a misinterpretation of what actually happened.
Overall, I have found this week to be very interesting and very informational. I have learned many new things and different ways to view something that I thought happened.
Hello Jayden, I really enjoyed reading your post. I also agree that critical thinking is something very important and am very grateful for the amount we work with it in case so can improve on it. I completely agree with you that this week was very interesting and I can't wait to see what we do and learn next week.
ReplyDeleteHey Jayden! I agree that the critical thinking we do in this class helps to prepare us for the real world. I think that regardless of the material, taking a class that challenges preconceived notions is of the utmost importance. Oftentimes people get stuck in their beliefs that they are unable to challenge them. Knowing how to be open-minded is a trait that allows us to have higher empathy and understanding for those around us.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jayden, for the post. I agree that learning about data analysis is interesting but wanted to read more about your thoughts as to why the same for the importance of perspective and reasoning. You hint at this in talking about Columbus's letters but you could develop this point more.